Our bilingual preschool, pre-K and daycare programs are something special in Brookline. Extra activities, such as weekly music and yoga, cooking classes, science activities, field trips are provided regularly. Even our facilities were designed to provide the best child education experience. We provide spacious classrooms designed with our student’s comfort and educational needs in mind. Each class features the latest equipment. We are thrilled to offer our students year-round access to our own sand room and gym. Both are favorites of the children throughout the year, but this is especially true during inclement weather. No matter the conditions outside, students always have access to fun gross-motor play. Our programs for childcare, preschool and pre-K in Brookline are tailored to the needs of each child. We support the needs of breastfeeding infants, for instance. Should a student need one-on-one therapy, we provide special scheduling within the school facilities to meet their needs. Our gym provides private time and can accommodate any special equipment that may be required.
Caring For Young Infants
Our Young Infants program is designed to nurture babies old enough to receive their first round of shots up to the point where they begin to move independently.
Young infants develop incredibly fast. To meet their needs, Little Children Schoolhouse staffs this program with seasoned, professional, caring teachers. In addition to loving care, children in our Young Infants program enjoy activities designed to engage and nurture their development, such as weekly music classes.
The Young Infants classroom is an open, airy space supplied with colorful, engaging toys and cozy cribs. Babies in our program are soothed, cuddled and engaged through all their senses.

Caring For Older Infants
Our Older Infant daycare program is designed with needs of babies able to move independently up to the age where they begin walking on their own.
This infant care program encourages independent movement and exploration. Our professionally-qualified teachers engage the infants with movable toys and active play. Finger foods are encouraged to challenge emerging fine motor skills.
Like our Young Infant program, Older Infants enjoy activities designed to engage and nurture their development, such as weekly music classes and art activities.
Teachers track each infant’s progress, regularly updating parents as milestones are reached. We also make a point to closely follow our parents’ care giving preferences in terms of feeding and napping schedules.

Caring For Young Toddlers
Children in our Young Toddlers program walk independently, and are usually somewhere around 15 months old. Transition into this program is based upon a child’s readiness rather than by age.
The Young Toddler childcare program encourages exploration and independence. Our curriculum features a wealth of hands-on experiences involving varied textures and materials as well as fine-motor challenges. The Young and Older toddlers classrooms have an indoor gym, in addition to an outdoor playground, for gross motor activities. Music, movement, imagination play and creative activities are a regular part of the Young Toddler program. Children are also introduced to basic concepts, such as a rudimentary calendar.

Caring For Older Toddlers
Our Older Infant daycare program is designed with needs of babies able to move independently up to the age where they begin walking on their own.
This infant care program encourages independent movement and exploration. Our professionally-qualified teachers engage the infants with movable toys and active play. Finger foods are encouraged to challenge emerging fine motor skills.
Like our Young Infant program, Older Infants enjoy activities designed to engage and nurture their development, such as weekly music classes and art activities.
Teachers track each infant’s progress, regularly updating parents as milestones are reached. We also make a point to closely follow our parents’ care giving preferences in terms of feeding and napping schedules.

Caring For Preschoolers
Our Preschool program is tailored to meet the needs of children from 2.9 to 4. Class size is limited to 20 students. Transitioning into this program is based upon a child demonstrating readiness.
Our Preschool program focuses upon exploration, independence, gross and fine-motor development and nurturing emerging school readiness. Our well-trained teaching staff designed a curriculum to engage, excite and challenge the children.
We are proud to offer the largest Preschool space in Brookline. The classrooms feature sand, science, gym, kitchen and art areas. The spacious, open classroom areas provide an engaging atmosphere that encourages independent exploration. All activities are available throughout the day, so that children may enjoy self-directed learning. Weekly activities include music classes, movies and structured reading as well as field trips.

Caring For Pre-Kindergarteners
Our Pre-K program is designed to meet the needs of children from ages 4 to 5, or just before they are ready to enter kindergarten.
A primary focus of our program is readinesss. This means the curriculum is tailored to encourage development of skills needed for success upon entering school. Additional structure is introduced into the program as well as goal setting. While preparation for school entry is promoted, our teachers created a curriculum that is engaging and fun. The program includes a wealth of science, math and language activities as well as art, imagination play, and music.
Our Pre-K teachers work closely with parents, providing regular updates on each child’s progress. Parents are advised as milestones are reached, enabling them to make an informed decision about when their child is ready to succeed in a kindergarten program.

Program Overview:
Little Children Schoolhouse offers year-round, half and full-day bilingual programs for young infants, older infants, young toddlers, older toddlers, preschool I, preschool II and pre-K children. All programs run from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. So that we can ensure staff is on hand to provide care, parents are asked to drop off students no earlier than 7:00 am and to pick up students prior to the school’s closing at 6:00 pm.
Lunch is not provided by the school, but children are lovingly assisted with their food from home. (Please note that Little Children Schoolhouse is a nut-product-free center.)
Exact schedules are not made publicly available for security reasons, but programs include Circle Time, playground time (weather permitting), weekly Yoga classes, music, reading, special projects, and, of course, time for eating, napping and changing those diapers!
In designing curriculum for each class, staff and activities are selected to provide the greatest benefit to the whole classroom and each child. For example:
Music: Music classes with Mrs. Monica are included in every program. Mrs. Monica is an extraordinary teacher who creates weekly developmentally appropriate classes.
Field Trips and Special Events: Shows, puppet shows, field trips relevant to the curriculum are included in our program.
Our child-centered environment promotes growth in all areas: social, emotional, cognitive and physical. By using a developmentally appropriate curriculum, each child is positioned to succeed and develop self-esteem.
We encourage self-help skills and support our children’s natural curiosity to explore and experiment. Our program fosters respect and teaches our students to appreciate the cultural diversity in our center. We will celebrate customs and rituals that link our diverse cultures together with other families.